On September 16, 2008, our lives were forever changed when James Wilson (J.W.) entered the world. He is a living miracle who has touched our hearts and revealed to us the greatness of God. This is his amazing story.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Did I Speak Too Soon?

Well, I just got off the phone with mom and recognizing the sound of highway noise in the background, I asked where she was headed.  With a slight chuckle, she replied, "Well, we are in Uvalde."  She continued on telling me that last night around 9:30 JW began running a slight fever.  Allie called the dr. and he told her to give him a little Tylenol and continue monitoring his temp. every hour.  It stayed close to 100.9 throughout the night and finally around 5am they headed to the ER.  After some x-rays and bloodwork, it was decided that JW should be started on antibiotics to treat a possible mild infection.  As of 11:30am, they were on their way home.  Not too eventful, thank goodness.  Please continue lifting our little guy up in prayer.  Though it may seem momentarily as if he is out of the woods, you just never know with these little ones when something else could suddenly pop up.  Thank you for being so fervent in your prayers.  God Bless!


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