After hanging on for another week with what we knew to be some kind of respiratory infection,
JW is back in the hospital as of this morning. Mom, gracious Aunt Annie, and I stayed with the little guy Sunday-Tuesday so Allie could attend
Wacy's graduation. Let me just add that we are
sooooo proud of him!!! Congrats
Wacy! Our stay with
JW forced me to learn about everything that he requires as far as care goes. And let me tell you, Allie is not in the least bit exaggerating about the amount of work it is. It is TRULY round-the-clock. We were up almost every hour to take his temperature (since he had been running fever off and on),
meds and milk every 3 hours, suctioning as needed (maybe multiple times per hour or not), changing diapers, cleaning his g-tube, checking oxygen levels and pulse, etc., etc., etc. It can become quite overwhelming, even after only one night without decent sleep. Zombie is the word that comes to mind, actually.
Well, for the most part JW did pretty well over those couple of days. He really held his own, with the exception of the intermittent fever. However, once Allie came home, his fever continued and his breathing became more labored. So, after speaking with the doctor, they made plans to take JW into the clinic in SA early this morning, before his other doctor appointments in SA. Once the staff evaluated JW, they immediately recommended he be admitted to the hospital. He was diagnosed as having pneumonia and is currently in the ICU at Santa Rosa Children's Hospital in SA. They have started him on IV fluids and and a stronger antibiotic along with more breathing treatments. We have no idea how long he will be there as of right now. I will update tomorrow when I have more details. The good news is JW does NOT have RSV!! Praise God!! As always, please continue praying for our little guy. Right now he is in need of some major healing. Allie and the rest of us are in need of strength and comfort as it seems as of late, it has just been one thing after another. No rest for the weary, right? We have felt your prayers from the beginning and they have certainly provided the strength, comfort, peace, and healing you intended them to...and so much more. So, please continue to lift JW and our family up. We pray the Lord blesses each of you and your families as you have been blessings to us. Oh, and some BIG thank Mrs. Burks for those YUMMY enchiladas (they were like a little piece of Heaven on Earth!!!), to Mrs. Bonner for saving us from having to cook on a very crazy night, and a special thank you to Connie for helping out in the midst of all the chaos. You ladies love us so well, we couldn't make it without the gracious help of people like yourselves! Until tomorrow.