On September 16, 2008, our lives were forever changed when James Wilson (J.W.) entered the world. He is a living miracle who has touched our hearts and revealed to us the greatness of God. This is his amazing story.

Monday, February 16, 2009

5 Months Old Today!

Today we celebrate miracles.  Over the past few months our family has been SO blessed to have experienced more than one, at least in my opinion...these are just a few that stand out in my mind.  Miracle #1: the creation of our precious James Wilson by God.  Miracle #2: JW's timely entrance, though traumatic as it was, into this world on this very day 5 months ago.  Had it been any later, his chances of survival would be have been much worse than they already were.  Miracle #3: JW is alive today having overcome many difficulties he has already been faced with as a mere infant.  Miracle #4: JW is doing exceptionally well and has progressed so much over the past 5 months!  Better than we could have hoped for in many instances.  Miracle #5: Our family's faith has held fast to the strength of our Lord and the hope we place in Him for JW's life.  Miracle #6: That all of us, especially Allie, who have been traveling so much back and forth to San Antonio have remained safe in our travels!  Hallelujah!  Today I ask that each of you, especially my family, get down on your knees and thank the Lord for our little boy and all the miracles in our lives.  Thank you, Lord, for keeping your promise to never leave us and especially for being with us and with JW over the past 5 months.  Thank you for this precious child you have blessed us with!  Help us to continue to lean on you with faith that is unwavering.  You alone are our strong tower!!  

As for JW's progress...he is still in the hospital but is continuing to show improvement.  He is mainly having trouble processing and dealing with all of the heavy congestion he is experiencing.  The doctors and nurses are trying various avenues of treatment to help him overcome this issue.  Allie went up on Saturday instead of Friday and expressed to me that she felt JW was definitely improving more now with his changes in treatment.  Still no word on him coming home.  I think they are putting off all talk of that until he is truly out of the woods with all this congestion stuff.  We ask that you continue to pray for his healing, our safety and strength, and anything else you feel led to.  Thank you for these prayers in advance and continue to know how much your support means to all of us.


1 comment:

Allison said...

He is a miracle! And God gave him to such an awesome family.

Praying for all of you, and especially little JW.