On September 16, 2008, our lives were forever changed when James Wilson (J.W.) entered the world. He is a living miracle who has touched our hearts and revealed to us the greatness of God. This is his amazing story.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A small set back

Sunday, JW had an episode of apnea possibly caused by so many secretions not being swallowed. He had to be put back into the NICU, where he is today. He went back on oxygen for a little while and is now just on a small air flow through the nose canula. He is reported to weigh 5 lbs, 13 oz. I am not sure if that is correct, he would have had to gain a lot in one day for that to be correct. 
He also had an ultrasound done on his hips today, no results yet. 
Besides a small set back, he is doing good and continues to improve getting closer to coming home.

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