On September 16, 2008, our lives were forever changed when James Wilson (J.W.) entered the world. He is a living miracle who has touched our hearts and revealed to us the greatness of God. This is his amazing story.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wow, March, April, May, June and July, plenty of hospital time for this cute little boy. Thank you to everyone who has kept him in their thought and prayers, we all needed a little lifting up to the Lord.

So, JW, aka, the cutest little boy ever, is currently in the hospital again!!, as many of you may know. He has had trouble with his respiratory system since November, whether it be a mucus plug or just a small cold, he has been through the ringer, poked and proded over and over again. But he still remains his happy little self, just smiling and giggling at all who love him and are around him. I think he has been the only one since September 16, 2008 that has kept on smiling and kept everyone else smiling. I am posting a picture of him taken Wednesday and I just ask for your continued thoughts and prayers as we are having to make some very difficult decisions over the next week concerning his care and managing his health in the way God has guided us to. We are at a fork in the road, where we will have to choose a little different plan of care for him because of his continued illnesses and extended stays in the ICU. Once we know more, I will post more detailed information on these issues, until then, I am just requesting some special prayers for guidance for my family and healing for JW.

This was taken on Aug. 1st, he was laughing at Tristin, alot! She was dancing and singing to him and even read him a book. We wore him out by the time we left.


Unknown said...

Wow, those photos are so adorable. I can't believe how much JW has grown since I last saw him. I think about you guys often and pray for you always.

amber said...

I love the pictures! All three have gotten so big. You and your family are always in my prayers. I pray for wisdom to make these hard decisions.

TEXOSE said...

He just glows with the Love from the Lord and his family. THANK YOU for posting about his condition. Just know that we are standing in the gap of prayers for yall and love you deeply and richly. Your whole family has grown so much...
I pray that Lord will guide your every decision and will bless you for following his Design for your lives....
SEnding our love your way...

JoLee and Family

Elizabeth Grace said...

I haven't met you guys yet and can't wait until I get to! I have been praying for JW since Lindy first told me about him. He is so big and so precious. You are such a strong woman for all you do for your kids. I will continue to pray for you guys and can't wait to meet you soon!