On September 16, 2008, our lives were forever changed when James Wilson (J.W.) entered the world. He is a living miracle who has touched our hearts and revealed to us the greatness of God. This is his amazing story.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Memory Lapse and Good News

So, I completely blanked and forgot to update the blog this past week! I have been on the phone with a few people and have given them the good news, which is probably why updating the blog slipped my mind. Sorry about that!

The good news is that JW came home on Friday! He was down to a half liter of oxygen and was then off oxygen for a while the couple of days prior to his coming home. They kept him until Friday just to make sure everything was ok. We are all very relieved and I know Allie and Wacy are glad to have him back home and for things to be back to normal.

We know that this good news is, in part, to all of you, our devoted prayer warriors! THANK YOU! Your prayers and support throughout the past few weeks has played a huge part in our family's hope and strength and JW's recovery.

Please continue praying for JW....for his healing and development and God's plan and purpose for his life. Pray for his nurses and caretakers. Pray for JW's doctors, that they be blessed with wisdom. Pray for Allie and Wacy in the decisions they are making and will make for his care and for courage, strength, and comfort for them.

I will try to get some new pictures of the not-so-little guy to post....as of last week he weighed 17 pounds! So, check back in the next few days.

Again, thank you to everyone who is praying and for those of you (and you know who you are) who have sent words of encouragement via email/Facebook or made those phone calls to let us know you care...it means more to us than words can ever express. God bless each of you.


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